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Welham Girls’ School students deliver fantastic results in ISC and ICSE 2024 examinations

Dehradun,, Ajay Singh

Class X and XII students of Welham Girls’ School have delivered outstanding results this year again!

Ms Anurati Sharma of Class X has topped her batch and secured 99.60%! Anurati scored 100 marks in History, Science and Computer Science, 99 in English and Maths. The class average for Class X is a remarkable 94.44%. In ICSE, 75 out of 82 students secured an average score of 90% and above while 44 scored above 95%.

In ISC examination, Ms Vishvaney Agarwal topped her batch with a fantastic 97.5%. She scored a 100 in Political Science and 99 marks in History. The class average is also an impressive 92.58%. 62 out of 73 students have secured an average of 90% and above! 25 have scored above 95%.

Several students in both Class X and XII have scored 100 marks in several subjects. The Principal, Mrs Vibha Kapoor, attributed the tremendous success to the commitment and dedication of her staff. Welham continues in its relentless pursuit towards excellence to reach greater heights.

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